Monthly Archives: December 2018

Values and Life Lessons


Are you struggling to define your own legacy? Is your family wondering where to begin the process of succession of the family farm or ranch? Are you struggling to convey the values and lessons learned in a life spent working on the family operation?

Begin by defining your own Ag Legacy!
Define your own values and life lessons by identifying family traditions, family history, and the beliefs that contribute to your core values. These will guide your decisions day to day. You can then begin the process of preserving and passing on your legacy. We all want to be remembered. By leaving a legacy, the values and life lessons from the past will be passed on and can act as a guide for future generations. #FarmSuccession #EstatePlanning

What is the Most Important Component in Creating your Ag Legacy?


What is the Most Important
Component in Creating your Ag Legacy?

There are many obstacles that prevent families from discussing and planning for transition of the family farm or ranch to the next generation. To name just a few: not knowing where to start, who wants to take over and how, or just a lack of time to sit down and talk. Emotional ties are often an intrinsic aspect of ownership, as well as the founding generation’s identity.

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