Daily Archives: May 5, 2020

How do You Handle End-of-Life Issues?

#AGLEGACY.org #FarmSuccession #EstatePlanning

Complete the four steps to address final instructions and wishes to be fulfilled:
* Define what is a “good” death for you
* Identify and document wishes for the end of life
* Document your final wishes
* Develop a list of secure places and passwords

Document your wishes with Advance Directives — formal documents that explicitly describe your desires for care near the end, including:
* Medical/health care directives
* Living wills
* Powers of attorney
* Wills, and
* Estate plans

You may also want to inform others of your preferences related to death.

Not talking doesn’t ease the pain associated with loss . . . Not talking can also make it harder for those left behind.

AGLEGACY can help, see: AGLEGACY.org