Monthly Archives: August 2020

Does Forgiveness Have A Place in Your Ag Legacy?


* Do you experience conflict in your family? In your family business interactions? Do you know of a family that does not?
* Conflict is a clash of interests, values, actions, views or directions. Conflicts can be defused and even resolved. Do you know how to begin?
* Forgiveness is the conscious and deliberate decision to release resentment or anger. Where a break in the lines of communication has already occurred, forgiveness may be the only path forward.
* Luckily, granting forgiveness is something we can learn to do and we get better at it with practice. Have you considered forgiving someone to allow your legacy to live on after you are gone? #FarmSuccession #EstatePlanning

Do You Have Anxiety and Stress About Your Ag Legacy?


Coping mechanisms can help address or mitigate the effects of stress and reduce anxiety:
• Be aware of your strengths, skills and weaknesses;
• Practice time management and goal setting techniques;
• Involve yourself in hobbies and recreation outside the business;
• Use support systems; and
• Practice stress-management techniques.

One of the best coping strategies for managing intergenerational stressors is open communication, especially for farm or ranch families.

TO LEARN MORE about coping with anxiety and stress in your ag legacy see: #FarmSuccession #EstatePlanning

How do You Cope With Anxiety and Stress in Your Ag Legacy?


* Farm and ranch families experience stress from a wide variety of factors, including: 1. Operational stressors, 2. Environmental influences, and 3. Family stressors. Most factors are out of the families’ control, potentially adding even more stress.
* Situations where money is tight represent another case that can lead to stress for both farm families and the agricultural business.
* One of the most stressful intergenerational farming issues reported is the transfer of the family farm or ranch to the next generation.

Stress factors can and often do affect everyone involved in the family farm or ranch business, even if they are not directly involved in day-to-day operations. See more at #FarmSuccession #EstatePlanning