Monthly Archives: June 2021

How are you mentoring the next generation?

AgLegacy_IMAGE #FarmSuccession #EstatePlanning

* Isn’t mentoring the same as coaching? Why or why not?
* How is mentoring better than gaining experience through the school-of-hard-knocks?
* Does a mentoring program need to be formal?
* Aren’t there different types of mentoring for different situations?
* How do I know if I would be a good mentor?
* What do we do if the mentee won’t listen to me?
* If we use a mentoring approach, how will we know if it works?

to these questions and much more see our recent newsletter and online module covering: how are you mentoring? at

Men and Depression

AgLegacy_IMAGE #FarmSuccession #EstatePlanning

“Men would rather kill themselves than admit they are depressed.” This chilling statement illustrates the complexity of male depression.

Depression appears to take a greater toll on men. Although more women attempt suicide, more men actually succeed and commit suicide at four times the rate women do. A recent study found that depressed men were twice as likely as their non-depressed counterparts to develop heart disease or die suddenly because of heart problems.

AG LEGACY can help…
Check the AG LEGACY Materials tab at


AgLegacy_IMAGE #FarmSuccession #EstatePlanning

Values and Life Lessons
Personal Possessions of Emotional Value
Final Instructions and Wishes to be Fulfilled
Ownership of Financial Assets and Real Estate
Management Succession

People Who Can Help
Are you ready?
Ownership vs. Management Succession
Issues in Management Succession

When Do You Need a Counselor?

AgLegacy_IMAGE #FarmSuccession #EstatePlanning

No one should say that it is a sign of weakness to seek help. In fact, the opposite is true. It takes incredible strength. To disregard or overcome the pride that blocks you from reaching out is a tremendous act of will. It may take all the willpower you can summon!

AG LEGACY can help…
Check the AG LEGACY Materials tab for where to begin at


AgLegacy_IMAGE #FarmSuccession #EstatePlanning
* What values and life lessons do want to pass on?
* How will we dispose of our personal possessions of emotional value?
* What instructions and final wishes do we have? Who knows about them?
* How will we handle the ownership of our titled property?
* Do we have our documents together to be sure things go smoothly?
* How will the management of our farm/ranch be handled?
* Have we prepared the next generation to take over?

to these questions and much more see our online module covering: What is an Ag Legacy?

How do you mentor the next generation? | HOW*TO Guide

Image: AG LEGACY How*To Guide #FarmSuccession #EstatePlanning

   Mentoring is a relationship in which a more experienced or knowledgeable person guides a less experienced or less knowledgeable person through an activity or event in their life. This approach is similar to coaching but in coaching the goals and the plan of action are often set by the coach. In a mentoring relationship, the mentee sets the goals and formulates the plan under the guidance of the mentor.
   Learn more about mentor the next generation via the AGLEGACY module: How do you mentor the next generation? The 4-page, HOW*TO guide and online module materials can help individuals and ag families improve their relationships and their chances for leaving their desired legacy.

AG LEGACY Materials can help…

How to Distribute Possessions of Emotional Value?


Non-titled property has no document specifying who officially owns the property. And, while it may or may not represent substantial monetary value, it often carries notable emotional value for family members of the owner. How do you plan to distribute your possessions of emotional value to the next generation?

TO LEARN MORE about possessions of emotional value see: #FarmSuccession #EstatePlanning