Does Disrespect Belong in an Ag legacy?

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#AGLEGACY #FarmSuccession #EstatePlanning

We all feel slighted when we’re not given the respect we feel we deserve.


WILLINGLY subjecting yourself to disrespect can cause plenty of problems, such as poor self esteem and create an anger-bomb. It is even more difficult when it is a family member sending you the negativity.
* We can choose to help diffuse a situation or make it worse. We can work to stay in control and help break the cycle.
* First, don’t personalize the negativity. While the other person may try to make it all about you, remember, it’s about them.
* Sometimes simply ignoring the comments can be an effective strategy. Avoid dropping to their level or engaging in their negativity.
* Other times you may need to engage a person who is acting disrespectful; you need a strategy to keep yourself from being sucked into the negativity. For help, see the AGLEGACY Newsletter “Does Disrespect Have A Place in Your Ag legacy?”

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