Should Manipulation Have any Part in an Ag Legacy?

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Manipulation can be defined as any attempt to sway another person’s emotions to get them to act in a specific way or feel a certain thing. offers a perspective.

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Manipulation can sometimes be difficult to identify if you are experiencing manipulation, as it can be very subtle.

Key identifiers of manipulation include positive answers to the following questions:
– Do you often feel tricked or pressured into doing things?
– Does it often seem as if you can’t do anything right?
– Does it seem like it is becoming impossible to say no?
– Does the other person often twist the truth?
– Do you often feel guilty or confused?
– Do your efforts never seem good enough?

Common manipulation strategies
– Invalidation of feelings
– Emotional blackmail
– Gaslighting
– Guilt-tripping
– Withholding affection
– Victimhood
– Aggression or personal attacks

Are you are manipulating others? You may find, after some reflection, that you are guilty of manipulating others. There are at least 9 ways that you might be manipulative without realizing it.

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