When Should we Focus on Interpersonal Issues?

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#AGLEGACY #FarmSuccession #EstatePlanning

Good communication skills are essential to a smooth transition between generations.

See more at: AGLEGACY.org

Make a concerted effort to improve communication skills for questioning, listening and providing feedback. Taking time to learn more about others who are involved and their perspectives can help ease the management transition process.

Conflict can arise within any relationship and usually occurs when one person perceives a block to achieving his or her goal. Developing a process to address conflict openly can help alleviate much of the tension.

Here is a basic outline of steps to address conflict in a family business:
1. Identify the issue
2. Describe each person’s motivation
3. Outline possible solutions
4. List pros and cons of each solution
5. Select an option
6. Evaluate how the solution is working

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