The Power of Forgiveness in Resolving Conflict | HOW*TO Guide

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Conflict is a fact of family life. In the heat of the moment, it is easy to do or say things that we later regret.

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PEOPLE DISAGREE because they see things differently, want different things, have thinking styles which encourage them to disagree, or are predisposed to disagree. It is rare to hear someone describe conflict in a positive way; for example, saying “Our family just went through a positive conflict to reach a new, improved level of trust with one another.” However, conflicts can be defused and even resolved. De-escalation is an effort to reduce the severity of a conflict.
   Saying “I’m sorry” is just the beginning. The complete process involves the other person offering forgiveness or us extending forgiveness if we are the ones receiving the apology. Forgiveness is the conscious and deliberate decision to release resentment or anger, but does not necessarily mean reconciliation. The person who forgives is not required to return to the same pattern of relationship or accept the same harmful behaviors from another.

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