Feeling Like You Don’t Belong in Your Ag legacy?

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RESPONSE: Some researchers suggest that offering people emotional validation may help them better regulate their emotions.


Some general steps to validate another person’s feelings include:
• Identify and acknowledge the emotion: This can be difficult if the person does not openly ­communicate their emotions. As a result, it may ­require that you infer what they are feeling from their ­behavior. Check with them to make sure that your understanding is correct.
• Identify the source of the emotion: Ask the person what is causing this response? It might be that they are unable to identify the cause themselves. It is still important to acknowledge that the emotion is occurring and that you want to understand.
• Validate the emotion: Accept what they are feeling, even if you don’t agree. Keep in mind that an apology isn’t required if you don’t believe it is warranted. Simply informing them that you accept their feelings can have a strong effect, as well as empower them to address the emotion themselves.

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