Are You or Your Clientele Coping with Excessive Stress?

#AGLEGACY #FarmSuccession #EstatePlanning
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See UW Extension | FARM STRESS for more at:

Stress is our bodies’ natural reaction to a demand or “stressor.” Much short-term stress can be positive: it motivates us to succeed with a challenge. But long term stress can be harmful to your health. A rural lifestyle may bring with it stressors of isolation, financial worries, and factors that are out of the control of the farmer/rancher such as weather, market prices, etc. Combined, these stressors place people at a greater risk for chronic stress, making it hard for them to move forward to positive solutions.

If an individual or family member is unwilling to take the initiative, or if there might be some danger if quick action is not taken, you may want to take the lead. Ask for permission to contact an agency or community resource; then get in touch, share your concern and discuss how the office will respond to this referral.

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