Does Forgiveness Have A Place in Your Ag Legacy?

#AGLEGACY #FarmSuccession #EstatePlanning
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Have you considered forgiving someone to allow your legacy to live on after you are gone?

See: > Modules

* Do you experience conflict in your family? In your family business interactions? Do you know of a family that does not?
* Conflict is a clash of interests, values, actions, views or directions. Conflicts can be defused and even resolved. Do you know how to begin?
* Forgiveness is the conscious and deliberate decision to release resentment or anger. Where a break in the lines of communication has already occurred, forgiveness may be the only path forward.
* Luckily, granting forgiveness is something we can learn to do and we get better at it with practice. Have you considered forgiving someone to allow your legacy to live on after you are gone?

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