Men Seeking Help

2020_05_14_PNA_MSH_B1134_IMAGE #FarmSuccession #EstatePlanning

“Where do cowboys go to cry?” When this question was raised at a recent stress management workshop, an immediate response was “They don’t, and they won’t.”

Although there are many ranch and farm men who seek help when facing personal challenges, there are also those who find it difficult and even refuse to seek help. Why?

Often, a traditional view of being male causes many men to hesitate to seek help from others. For example, some men are taught that masculine power, dominance, competition, and control are essential to proving one’s masculinity; that vulnerabilities, feelings, and emotions in men are signs of femininity and are to be avoided; that masculine control of self, others, and environment are essential for men to feel safe, secure, and comfortable; and that men seeking help and support from others is a sign of weakness, vulnerability, and potential incompetence.

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