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Why is Trust Important in Relationships and Your Ag Legacy?

2020_11_17_TrustInAgLegacy_how_INST_IMAGE #FarmSuccession #EstatePlanning

TRUST is a: “Firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something.” Or stated another way, “Trust is a positive psychological state comprising the intention to accept vulnerability based upon positive expectations of the intentions or behavior of another.”

The level of trust one is willing to invest in a relationship relates to our perceptions and assumptions of how another person will act.

We accept a level of vulnerability when we choose to trust another.

Seven barriers to trust include: desire to control, dishonesty, self-centeredness, lack of openness, failure to communicate, lack of empathy, and lack of positive feelings.

Trust requires: integrity, loyalty respect reliability and consistency.

Building trust requires that we: Take time to read the other person’s signals. Are they sending signals of mistrust? Also be aware of the signals you are sending.

AG LEGACY Materials can help…
To learn more about AG LEGACY materials and for ideas on where to begin see

Communicating with the Next Generation | HOW*TO Guide

Image: AG LEGACY How*To Guide #FarmSuccession #EstatePlanning

   Lack of effective communication among family members is the root cause of most family business failures. Effective communication between parents and their adult children is essential for transfer of a legacy from one generation to the next.
   Learn more about good communication skills and how to become better via the AGLEGACY module: Communicating with the Next Generation. The 4-page, HOW*TO guide and online module materials can help individuals and ag families improve communication skills and their chances for leaving their desired legacy.

AG LEGACY Materials can help…

Is Trust Important in an Ag Legacy?

2020_11_03_TrustInAgLegacy_main_INST_IMAGE #FarmSuccession #EstatePlanning

Trust is not easily given and is even harder to earn back once broken. Understanding the factors that can affect trust in a relationship is a great place to begin to understand how to build, or rebuild, trust.

The level of trust one is willing to invest in a relationship relates to our perceptions and assumptions of how another person will act. We accept a level of vulnerability when we choose to trust another.

Three common characteristics of families who are able to sustain a culture of trust:
1. Family members are reliable. They do what they say they will do.
2. They demonstrate feelings of intimacy. They care about each other and they like being together.
3. They are honest with each other. They have open, direct communication — they are willing to speak and to listen when difficult things need to be said.

Being members of a family unit already introduces a level of vulnerability. Allowing yourself to expand this vulnerability into the business side of a family business can help to open a new level of trust.

AG LEGACY Materials can help…
To learn more about AG LEGACY materials and for ideas on where to begin see

Finding Your Team of Experts

AG LEGACY image #FarmSuccession #EstatePlanning

Ranch and farm families should have their own experts—a team of experts—made up of individuals, organizations, and businesses that possess important skills or information to help agricultural producers at needed times.

Why have a team of experts? A well-chosen and helpful team may make an agricultural producer more successful and is another way of dealing with stress.

AG LEGACY can help…
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Why is Trust Important in an Ag Legacy?


TRUST compels us to act based on our perceptions of another, in other words an individual’s belief in, and willingness to act on the basis of the words, actions, and decisions of another. It is much easier to lose trust than it is to build it up. It is important for families, as well as individuals, to be proactive in their efforts to develop and nurture a sense of trust within the family. That foundation of trust also carries over into a family business. Understanding the factors that can affect trust in a relationship is a great place to begin to understand how to build, or rebuild, trust.
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