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Parent/Child Relationships Are Important to Any Ag Legacy

2020_03_03_ParentChildRelationships_how_INST #FarmSuccession #EstatePlanning

* Relationships between parents and adult children are “ambivalent relationships,” meaning they contain both positive and negative perceptions.

* Today, increasing life expectancies mean that family members will spend more time in intergenerational roles requiring negotiation and understanding in dealing with change.

* Sensitive issues, such as money, death, and family relations are difficult issues not only to bring up, but also to talk about in any depth. It is hard to approach these issues calmly when there are strong feelings about what is important.

* Farm and ranch families face the same trials and difficulties encountered by other families, the difference is that their livelihood, the farm or ranch, is tied into it.

* This increases the importance of intentional efforts to address these challenges and maintain good parent/child relationships.

* A family may find that it is too late if they wait until it is time to transition the farm or ranch to the next generation. This can add even another source of stress and difficulty to an already challenging process.

AG LEGACY Materials can help understand what your options are. To learn more about AG LEGACY materials and for ideas on where to begin see

Estate Planning Checklist

2020_02_27_AgLegacy_EPCITABCYA_IMAGE #FarmSuccession #EstatePlanning

Estate Planning Checklist: Information to Assemble Before Consulting Your Attorney. Do you know what what you should have, where to find it, or how to organize the information? AG LEGACY Materials can help understand how to get started.

AG LEGACY Materials can help understand what your options are. To learn more about AG LEGACY materials and for ideas on where to begin see

Durable Power of Attorney

2020_02_20_AgLegacy_DPOA_IMAGE #FarmSuccession #EstatePlanning

A power of attorney is a document that gives another person the authority to take some action on the signer’s behalf. Unlike a common law power of attorney, a Durable Power of Attorney does not terminate when the principal becomes incompetent, hence the addition of the word “durable.”

AG LEGACY Materials can help understand what your options are. To learn more about AG LEGACY materials and for ideas on where to begin see

How Are Parent/Child Relationships Important to Your Ag Legacy?


* Establishing and maintaining healthy relationships between parents and adult children is challenging at any stage in life. This is especially true during times of change.

* There are many factors that contribute to conflict and stress between family members. Three common sources of stress include differences in values, developmental stages, and expectations.

* Building and maintaining healthy relationships between adult children and their parents requires: honesty, communication, validation of feelings and beliefs, respect for one another, letting go, not taking all the credit/blame, and choosing for yourself.

* Sensitive issues, such as money, death, and family relations are difficult issues not only to bring up, but also to talk about in any depth. It is hard to approach these issues calmly when there are strong feelings about what is important. #FarmSuccession #EstatePlanning

Death Certificates

2020_02_13_AgLegacy_DC_IMAGE #FarmSuccession #EstatePlanning

A death certificate is a necessary step once a death has occurred. Before a death certificate can be filed, it must contain a medical certification of time, date, place, and cause of death. This will usually be completed by the physician in charge of a patent’s care unless a post-mortem examination is required.

AG LEGACY Materials can help understand what your options are. To learn more about AG LEGACY materials and for ideas on where to begin see

Why are Parent/Child Relationships Important to an Ag Legacy?


Establishing and maintaining healthy relationships between parents and adult children is challenging at any stage in life. This is especially true during times of change. It is important that the generations work together to make relationships satisfying rather than strained. Today, increasing life expectancies mean that family members will spend more time in intergenerational roles requiring negotiation and understanding in dealing with change.

…to read more click here



2018_08_08_AgLegacy_D_IMAGE #FarmSuccession #EstatePlanning

Disinheritance generally refers to the practice of drafting a will in a manner that prevents another person from becoming an heir or distributee of an estate.

AG LEGACY Materials can help understand what your options are. To learn more about AG LEGACY materials and for ideas on where to begin see


AgLegacy_IMAGE #FarmSuccession #EstatePlanning

Helping agriculture nurture its legacy . . .
A legacy is the summation of a lifetime of achievement and the context in which that lifetime will be remembered. A legacy is not just money but a reputation, what was accomplished, and the difference a person makes in the world as they pass through.