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Where Are We with Our Management Succession?


Where Are We with
Our Management Succession?

It seems logical to assume that, where the manager and management in general of any family business is critical to its success, the success of that family business into the future depends almost entirely on the ability of the family to transfer management responsibilities to the next generation. However, it is said that only 1/3 of all family businesses successfully transition to the next generation.

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Are You Mentoring the Next Generation?


Formalized Mentoring Program:
* Identify the purpose
* Determine the format
* Brainstorm potential activities
* Create a structure
* Define success
* Commit to the mentoring relationship

Mentor/Mentee Relationship:
Mentor: should be willing to share advice but also act as a sounding board
Mentee: must be willing to interact openly and honestly, ask questions, accept responsibility, and learn from mistakes

What Does Success Look Like?
Both the mentor and the mentee should outline and determine what indicates success in the mentoring process for themselves #FarmSuccession #EstatePlanning

How Are You Mentoring?


* Isn’t mentoring the same as coaching? Why or why not?
* How is mentoring better than gaining experience through the school-of-hard-knocks?
* Does a mentoring program need to be formal?
* Aren’t there different types of mentoring for different situations?
* How do I know if I would be a good mentor?
* What do we do if the mentee won’t listen to me?
* If we use a mentoring approach, how will we know if it works? #FarmSuccession #EstatePlanning

How are you mentoring the next generation?


Mentoring is a relationship in which a more experienced or knowledgeable person guides a less experienced or less knowledgeable person through an activity or event in their life. While the mentor can be older or younger than the mentee, they must have a specific expertise which qualifies them.

This approach is similar to coaching but in coaching the goals and the plan of action are often set by the coach. In a mentoring relationship, the mentee sets the goals and formulates the plan under the guidance of the mentor. #FarmSuccession #EstatePlanning

The Most Important Component of a Legacy

Values and life lessons has been identified as the most important component of a complete legacy. This is made up of 3 separate components, including Family Traditions, Family History and Beliefs.

Family traditions consist of religious, cultural and as well as family traditions handed down through generations. Traditions can help families improve communication, learn to value time spent together and celebrate each other’s achievements. All of which can help families get through tough times and changes.

Family histories may not include anyone famous, or infamous. However, they are of great value to the family, no matter what the tale. Many great stories can be found or shared that can bring a family’s history to life. Look for ways to preserve your own and your family’s history through books, audio or video recordings, etc.

Beliefs: A person’s beliefs are very important because those beliefs define the limit of that person’s experience. A person’s belief system is the set of precepts by which they live daily life and that govern their thoughts, words, and actions.

Taken together these create a person’s legacy. When a family identifies these for each other and themselves, they begin to define their own legacy. This legacy can live on and serve as inspiration and guidance for future generations. #FarmSuccession #EstatePlanning