Category Archives: Ag Legacy Newsletter

How are you mentoring the next generation?


How are you mentoring the next generation?
Mentoring is a relationship in which a more experienced or knowledgeable person guides a less experienced or less knowledgeable person through an activity or event in their life. While the mentor can be older or younger than the mentee, they must have a specific expertise which qualifies them.

This approach is similar to coaching but in coaching the goals and the plan of action are often set by the coach. In a mentoring relationship, the mentee sets the goals and formulates the plan under the guidance of the mentor. For the most part, we don’t even consider this more formal method of instruction as necessary in a family business. Often the kids grow up helping and working in the farm or ranch business. It is assumed that they will pick-up the skills necessary to help with the daily crop or livestock operations; even learn how to operate the business.

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What is an Ag Legacy?


What is an Ag Legacy?
A legacy is the summation of a lifetime of achievement and the context in which that lifetime will be remembered. A legacy is not just money but a reputation, what was accomplished, and the difference a person makes in the world as they pass through; their mark on the universe.

More importantly, a legacy is something that is passed along years after a person leaves the world as we know it. In historical terms, a legacy is something that is handed down from one generation to the next. Deciding to leave a legacy can provide a road map for the future; embracing the meaning of a life.
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