Category Archives: Post

Difficult Conversations: What Really Matters?

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* Do you find yourself avoiding difficult conversations?
* Do you assume you know the other person’s intentions when there is a disagreement?
* Do you find that you blame whenever things go wrong?
* Do you consider feelings an important part of a difficult conversation?
* Do you sometimes wonder if you are a good person when someone calls into question your identity in a difficult situation?
* The Third Story describes what really happened. It can only be understood after we understand the other person’s story as well as our own.
* A learning conversation works best when both parties are willing to listen and work together to find a solution.

to these questions and much more see our recent newsletter and online module covering: Difficult Conversations: How Do We Discuss What Really Matters? at: > Modules

Wyoming Wills: Some Suggestions for Getting the Most from Estate Planning

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A will is a document that describes the last wishes of an individual after his or her death, including how property should be distributed and who should manage the estate of the deceased person. A will’s primary functions can be divided into two categories: (1) those directing the distribution of the decedent’s estate and (2) those nominating individuals to represent the decedent and his or her estate.

To learn more about AG LEGACY materials and for ideas on where to begin see

Why Give Anger a Place in Your Ag Legacy?

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Anger has meaning. We should understand that if we are angry it must mean something.

When we’re angry there is usually something else going on besides the thing that is provokes us. That something else is how we interpret the provocation.

How should we respond?

Ask: How am I interpreting the thing, is that making it worse? Often it is at that level where we can identify the factors leading us to blow things up into a bigger situation.

Once we’ve established how we are interpreting a situation, we can begin to decide what to do with it.

Anger tries to convince us that we must act right now. However, we can take a moment to work to balance our emotions first, then work with the situation.

AG LEGACY Materials can help…
To learn more about AG LEGACY materials and for ideas on where to begin see

The Personal Property Memorandum

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The law in some states allow a person who has signed a will to use a separate document (Personal Property Memorandum) to direct who will receive certain pieces of tangible personal property after death. Such a list provides a great deal of flexibility without the need to constantly update a will.

To learn more about AG LEGACY materials and for ideas on where to begin see

Should Anger Have a Place in an Ag Legacy?

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Have you experienced one of the three kinds of anger in your legacy planning: Passive-aggression, Open Aggression or Assertive Aggression?

Problem? Anger is not a problem to be solved. It exists in us to alert us to injustice and then to energize us to respond to that injustice.

Is our interpretation of the anger we feel making it worse? It is at that level where we can often identify the factors leading us to blow things up.

Once we’ve identified how we are interpreting a situation, then we can begin to move forward with an intentional goal to decide what to do with it.

AG LEGACY Materials can help…
To learn more about AG LEGACY materials and for ideas on where to begin see

Guardianships and Conservatorships

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One of a parent’s greatest fears involves what will happen to his or her minor children in the event of the parent’s premature death or incapacity. It may be a good idea to think about what you would like to happen in a true “worst-case scenario” and undertake legal steps to plan for that situation before it happens.

To learn more about AG LEGACY materials and for ideas on where to begin see

Seven Key Estate Planning Documents

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Estate planning is perhaps the most caring task you can undertake for your survivors. A number of documents may be used to implement and communicate your goals for your estate. AG LEGACY Materials can help understand what your options are.

AG LEGACY Materials can help understand what your options are. To learn more about AG LEGACY materials and for ideas on where to begin see