Category Archives: Post

Men Seeking Help

2020_05_14_PNA_MSH_B1134_IMAGE #FarmSuccession #EstatePlanning

“Where do cowboys go to cry?” When this question was raised at a recent stress management workshop, an immediate response was “They don’t, and they won’t.”

Although there are many ranch and farm men who seek help when facing personal challenges, there are also those who find it difficult and even refuse to seek help. Why?

Often, a traditional view of being male causes many men to hesitate to seek help from others. For example, some men are taught that masculine power, dominance, competition, and control are essential to proving one’s masculinity; that vulnerabilities, feelings, and emotions in men are signs of femininity and are to be avoided; that masculine control of self, others, and environment are essential for men to feel safe, secure, and comfortable; and that men seeking help and support from others is a sign of weakness, vulnerability, and potential incompetence.

AG LEGACY can help…
Check the AG LEGACY Materials tab at

Difficult Conversations: What Really Matters?

2020_05_12_DifficultConversations_main_INST_IMAGE #FarmSuccession #EstatePlanning

* Do you find yourself avoiding difficult conversations?
* Do you assume you know the other person’s intentions when there is a disagreement?
* Do you find that you blame whenever things go wrong?
* Do you consider feelings an important part of a difficult conversation?
* Do you sometimes wonder if you are a good person when someone calls into question your identity in a difficult situation?
* The Third Story describes what really happened. It can only be understood after we understand the other person’s story as well as our own.
* A learning conversation works best when both parties are willing to listen and work together to find a solution.

to these questions and much more see our recent newsletter and online module covering: Difficult Conversations: How Do We Discuss What Really Matters? at: > Modules

Men and Depression

2020_05_07_PNA_MAD_B1104_IMAGE #FarmSuccession #EstatePlanning

“Men would rather kill themselves than admit they are depressed.” This chilling statement illustrates the complexity of male depression.

Depression appears to take a greater toll on men. Although more women attempt suicide, more men actually succeed and commit suicide at four times the rate women do. A recent study found that depressed men were twice as likely as their non-depressed counterparts to develop heart disease or die suddenly because of heart problems.

AG LEGACY can help…
Check the AG LEGACY Materials tab at

How do You Handle End-of-Life Issues?

2020_05_05_EndOfLifeIssues_how_INST_IMAGE #FarmSuccession #EstatePlanning

Complete the four steps to address final instructions and wishes to be fulfilled:
* Define what is a “good” death for you
* Identify and document wishes for the end of life
* Document your final wishes
* Develop a list of secure places and passwords

Document your wishes with Advance Directives — formal documents that explicitly describe your desires for care near the end, including:
* Medical/health care directives
* Living wills
* Powers of attorney
* Wills, and
* Estate plans

You may also want to inform others of your preferences related to death.

Not talking doesn’t ease the pain associated with loss . . . Not talking can also make it harder for those left behind.

AGLEGACY can help, see:

When Do You Need a Counselor?

2020_04_30_PNA_Counselor_IMAGE #FarmSuccession #EstatePlanning

No one should say that it is a sign of weakness to seek help. In fact, the opposite is true. It takes incredible strength. To disregard or overcome the pride that blocks you from reaching out is a tremendous act of will. It may take all the willpower you can summon!

AG LEGACY can help…
Check the AG LEGACY Materials tab for where to begin at

How do You Handle End-of-Life Issues in Your Legacy Planning?

2020_04_09_AgLegacy_AADWSAN_IMAGE #FarmSuccession #EstatePlanning

DO your legacy plans address all five components of a true legacy: values and life lessons, personal possessions of emotional value, fulfilling final wishes and instructions, ownership of financial assets and real estate, and management succession?

HAVE you considered the end, including the possibility of: A spiritual advisor or counselor, hospice or other care at home, appropriate levels of medical care, or riding off into-the-sunset?

HAVE you drafted your Advance Directives to explicitly describe your wishes for care near the end, including: medical/health care directives, living wills, powers of attorney, wills, or estate plans?

AG LEGACY Materials can help…
To learn more about AG LEGACY materials and for ideas on where to begin see