Category Archives: Post

Why Grow Relationships?
WagonWheelImageWhere family members from multiple generations are involved in a farm or ranch, each needs the opportunity to share their thoughts and perspectives on the operation. They also want to feel that they are heard and that their opinions matter.

The Why Build Relationships module covers challenges to managing relationships between generations in any family. See our recording outlining the how to build your relationships with next generation at

How are you Communicating with the Next Generation?

FamilyInCornFieldLack of effective communication among family members is the root cause of most family business failures. Effective communication between parents and their adult children is essential to a mutually satisfying transfer of a legacy from one generation to the next.

Join us for a discussion on communication and to begin thinking more about how you are communicating with the next generation. Do your communication skills include questioning, listening, explaining, and reflecting? What is your strategy for resolving conflicts? Are you familiar with the practice of forgiveness? How do you communicate as a family, as a business?

Join us for a live webinar, on Friday, February 10th at 12:00 Eastern/11:00 Central/10:00 Mountain/9:00 Pacific. We will provide a more in-depth look at the features of communication in agriculture and resources available to help individuals begin working on better communicating in their own operation. You can click here to join the webinar.

How Are You Mentoring the Next Generation?

tworanchersMentoring is a relationship in which a more experienced or knowledgeable person guides a less experienced or less knowledgeable person through an activity or event in their life. While the mentor can be older or younger than the mentee, they must have a specific expertise which qualifies them?

Join us for a discussion on mentoring and to begin thinking more about how you are mentoring the next generation. Does the mentee drive the process? Are you using a formal approach to keep the mentoring relationship on track? Is there an expectation that everyone will “get along?” Have you considered the 6 steps to a mentoring relationship?

Join us for a live webinar, on Wednesday, December 14th at 12:00 Eastern/11:00 Central/10:00 Mountain/9:00 Pacific. We will provide a more in-depth look at the features of mentoring in agriculture and resources available to help individuals begin working on mentoring in their own operation. You can click here to join the webinar.

A more in-depth discussion: “Developing your Ag legacy”

cropped-AgLegacyLogo002.pngAs a part of our effort to promote thought and discussion around the concept of an Ag legacy, we are providing an interactive online module, titled “Developing your Ag legacy”.

The goal is to provide the opportunity for individuals to engage anonymously around the topic of legacy. Sections of this component will provide participants the chance to interact with one another, explore the topic of legacy and what it means, discuss strategies that work and those that have not, and test their knowledge about available resources.

The online module, “Developing your Ag legacy”, will begin on October 20th, and go until October 30th. The cost is $30 per person, with discounts for multiple attendees from the same operation. Registration is open now, and can be found by  clicking here.

As a primer, be sure to check out our newsletter titled “What is your Ag Legacy?”, as well as our free, live webinar coming up on October 20th | 12:00 Eastern/11:00 Central/
10:00 Mountain/9:00 Pacific. This will provide a more in-depth look at the features of a legacy and resources available to help individuals begin working on their own legacy.


What is your Ag legacy?

threefarmersWe often refer to life as the school of hard knocks. These experiences, both good and bad, lead to lessons learned, which in turn shape who you are and often influence future decisions. In agriculture, these are the experiences that shape your operation, and together, become your Ag legacy.

Join us for a discussion on what an Ag legacy is and to begin thinking more on your own Ag legacy. What are you doing to preserve and pass it on to the  next generation? What more is there than creating a will and taking care of the financial side of the estate? What about the day to day management skills? Those hard earned lessons?

Join us for a live webinar, on Thursday, October 20th at 12:00 Eastern/11:00 Central/10:00 Mountain/9:00 Pacific. We will provide a more in-depth look at the features of a legacy and resources available to help individuals begin working on their own legacy. You can click here to join the webinar.