AG LEGACY is a free, download module, that includes the Lasting Legacy and Management Transition courses described below, along with their workbooks. These materials are designed to help you in creating your AG LEGACY.
Click the button to download
the AgLegacy package (455Mb)>>
This workbook is designed to accompany the Management Succession series of three (3) courses. Links to those courses are available under the LEARNING tab.
Western Farm and Ranch Transition Strategies/Estrategias de Transición para Granjas y Ranchos
This workbook is designed to accompany the A Lasting Legacy series of two (2) courses. Links to those courses are available under the LEARNING tab.
Passing It On helps individuals get started creating a plan for transferring a Wyoming agricultural operation to the next generation. To make it easier for you to access and reuse the worksheets discussed in this publication an Excel® spreadsheet for creating a personal financial statements is provided.
Negotiation in Agriculture is a series of online bulletins and modules designed to assist individuals and families as they interact with others, not always agreeing with the other party. Negotiation is a technique for resolving conflict. Conflicts come all sizes: big, medium, and small. Negotiation is founded on the premise that parties who understand the basics of negotiation, who understand the details of the issues at hand, and who are prepared to negotiate, will reach a better outcome than had they done neither.
UW Publications
– Planning Ahead, Difficult Decisions: Introduction to Estate Planning
– Planning Ahead, Difficult Decisions: After a Death – What Steps are Needed?
– Planning Ahead, Difficult Decisions: Death Certificates
– Planning Ahead, Difficult Decisions: A Walk Through Probate
– Planning Ahead, Difficult Decisions: Disinheritance
– Planning Ahead, Difficult Decisions: The Personal Property Memorandum
– Planning Ahead, Difficult Decisions: Guardianships and Conservatorships
– Planning Ahead, Difficult Decisions: Advance Health Care Directives
– Planning Ahead, Difficult Decisions: Durable Power of Attorney
– Seven Key Estate – Planning Documents to Consider
– Agricultural Producers & Stress: When Do You Need A Counselor?
– The Personal Nature of Agriculture: Men and Depression
– The Personal Nature of Agriculture: Men Seeking Help
– Suicide: What Leads People to Kill Themselves?
– The Personal Nature of Agriculture: Surviving Tragedy
– Agricultural Producers & Stress: The Importance of a Healthy Attitude
– Agricultural Producers & Stress: Identifying Stress on the Ranch and Farm
– Agricultural Producers & Stress: Learning to Relax
– Farm and Ranch-Family Stress and Depression:
A Checklist and Guide for Making Referrals
– Agricultural Producers & Stress: Finding Your Team of Experts
– Agricultural Producers & Stress: Eating and Activity for Health and Pleasure
– The Personal Nature of Agriculture: Recovering from Natural Disasters
– The Personal Nature of Agriculture: Agriculture and Skin Cancer | What You Should Know
– The Personal Nature of Agriculture: Lenders and Angry Customers
– Abuse of Power of Attorney | Preventing and Addressing Elder Family Financial Exploitation