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27-29 August 2007 at the Holiday Inn in Riverton, WY


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Videos (These are best viewed over a high-speed internet connection. There will be a delay as the video loads to your computer.)

Opening Comments by Cole Ehmke
Keynote Speaker Joel Salatin

Breakout Session I
Breakout session by keynote speaker Joel Salatin

Xeriscaping presented by Tom Heald

Financial Records Management presented by Katherine Minthorn-Good Luck

Breakout Session II

Developing Strategies to Strengthen Small Farm Economies presented by Edmond Gomez

Range Monitoring presented by Eric Peterson

Leaving A Legacy presented by Jeff Tranel, Rod Sharp, and John Hewlett

Lunch Speaker

Wyoming's Future-Are You Looking Upstream or Downstream? presented by Joe Hiller

Breakout Session III

Living on a Few Acres with Animals presented by Alex Malcolm

Assessing Alternative Enterprises presented by Rod Sharp, Jeff Tranel, and John Hewlett

Breakout Session IV

Financing Upstart Operations:
how to get started financing your venture
presented by Cole Ehmke

Windbreaks for Wyoming presented by Jim Arnold with the Wyoming State Forestry Division

Enterprising Rural Families: Helping Families Manage Rural Enterprises for Success presented by Bill Taylor, Randy Weigel, and John Hewlett

Breakfast Speaker

Wyoming Wine Country: The New Frontier presented by Patrick Zimmerer

Breakout Session V

Managing Grazing Animals on a Few Acres presented by Dallas Mount

Techniques to Manage Risk in Agriculture presented by Trent Teegerstrom

Farm Recreation presented by Milt Green and Leslie Kedelty

Breakout Session VI

Grant Funding and Your Operation presented by Al Kurki

Flying Your True Colors: Keys to Personal Success presented by Tammy Jensen

Controlling Weeds presented by Ron Cunningham





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