DossierInstructional Aides |
Instructional Aides
Materials used in the presentation of WIRE courses include: the Case Study/Course Materials notebook, the WIRE Reference book, the WIRE Workbook, the WIRE Case Study: Warbonnet Ranch video tape package, and the previously listed reference materials.
The Case Study/Course Materials book contains the detailed case study used in teaching the course, all course overheads/slides, and all problem sets used by participants. Current case-studies provide participants with real-world data from working ranches or farms. The case-study demonstrates applied technologies and stands as a detailed example of the kind of information needed to make critical management decisions. The case study is also used to demonstrate management processes and tools such as resource inventories, flow statements and balance sheets for all major ranch/farm resources. As such, the case-study serves as the foundation for the entire course.
The Reference Book provides a chapter on each of the six resource categories, as well as an introductory chapter on integrated management. This book is utilized in class, but is primarily designed to provide a ready reference for graduates wishing to intensify the management of one or more resources on their own operation. The reference is designed to provide a starting point for research into more intensive management for each resource area. In addition, each chapter (resource area) provides a list of additional reference materials for more information.
Other equipment and materials are utilized in course presentation. Most equipment is used in demonstrations during field trips and in-class presentations. A detailed list is available on request.
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